"I know it may seem small and insignificant, but it's not about what it is, it's about what it can become."
- Dr. Seuss

Site Specific Seed Collection
I have years of experience collecting seed for site specific conservation and restoration projects. I provide trained personnel with expertise in evaluating collectable populations, proper collection techniques, seed cleaning, inventory management, and reporting. I have experience working with threatened and endangered species, as well as common natives. Please visit the portfolio page for more information.

Wholesale Native Seed
Jonny Native Seed (JNS) provides a diverse selection of seed for native trees, shrubs, bulbs, forbs, and grasses. Whether your interest lies in restoring a common garden space back to a native habitat, or augmenting large restoration sites; JNS can provide the seed you need to fulfill your project goals. Subscribe to the newsletter to receive the current species list or contact me directly.

Live Stakes
Coming this fall!
We'll be providing a limited selection of fall cuttings. Notifications will be sent out at the beginning of September and a completed order form will be due by October 14th. If you are interested in willow cuttings please contact Alex Slakie with Flora Northwest LLC.